We offer Advanced Fertility Acupuncture specializing in Reproductive Pregnancy Acupuncture and Prenatal Care in Coon Rapids, MN.
Minnesota Integrative Medicine & Acupuncture offers comprehensive treatment programs designed to enhance and enrich fertility utilizing Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. Whether you are trying to conceive naturally or with the help of assisted reproductive technology, we are here to support you through your journey.

Fertility and Prenatal Acupuncture care helps to achieve a happy and healthy pregnancy with the ultimate goal of helping you have a happy and healthy BABY.
If you have been trying to conceive for a while, you may be feeling frustrated, helpless, sad or angry. Please know that you are not alone and that there is help! Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can assist you in any stage of infertility. Whether you are trying naturally, taking Clomid, using fertility medications, using Artificial Reproductive Techniques (IVF/IUI/FET), or working with a donor program, our fertility plan program is designed to help and support you using proven techniques with exceptional care!* Our clinic specializes in all facets of reproductive health including acupuncture for fertility, miscarriage prevention, ovulation disorders, menstrual irregularities, hormone imbalance, and pregnancy care.
Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine can assist you in any stage of Infertility.
It makes sense that healthy bodies are more likely to make healthy babies. Therefore, as you begin to consider starting a family, it is necessary to commit to investing in your health and body prior to conception in order to get in the best fertility shape possible. The acupuncture fertility plan here at Minnesota Integrative Medicine & Acupuncture begins with a full health history that will be used to develop a personalized plan to increase your chances of conceiving. For natural conception fertility assisted treatments we suggest committing to 3-6 months of treatment. While some patients have success in as little as 6 weeks conceiving, others may take a longer course of treatment.* Common treatment prescriptions for fertility may include acupuncture & oriental medicine techniques, herbal prescriptions, nutritional and exercise adjustments, lifestyle changes, patient education, or a combination of all the above to bring your system back to its proper and highest functioning state. Many fertility acupuncturists refer to this treatment phase as “harvesting the soil before planting the seed”.
Using acupuncture to assist conception alone can achieve anywhere from 45-60% clinical pregnancy rate¹‚², and in many cases involves the treatment of both partners. For example, a man could have an abnormal sperm analysis and a woman unexplained infertility. In either case, our acupuncture fertility plan is very beneficial in improving overall health and greatly improving chances of conception while creating an environment where new life may flourish. For patients struggling with infertility, I recommend a family consultation to determine the best plan of action.
Benefits for Females
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine may enhance fertility by:
Regulating the menstrual cycle*
Regulating FSH & hormone levels to produce a larger number of follicles*
Increasing blood flow to the uterus and increasing the thickness of the uterine lining*
Improving the function of the ovaries to produce better quality eggs*
Increasing libido*
Correcting blocked fallopian tubes*
Enhancing response to IVF while lessening side effects of IVF on the body*
Relaxing the mind & body*
Preventing miscarriage*
Benefits for Males
Traditional Chinese medical theory applies equally for male factor infertility. A man’s low sperm count, poor motility, morphology, or sexual dysfunction can be treated with great success. Treatments assist this process by:
Improving sperm count and motility*
Increasing libido*
Correcting erectile dysfunction*
Increasing semen quantity*
Several landmark research studies have shown that combining acupuncture with the IVF pre and post embryonic transfer dramatically increases the chances for conception by as much as 50%. And that’s just for the day-of-transfer treatment statistic. For best results, our acupuncture assisted IVF treatment program begins with weekly treatments several weeks prior to the stimulatory phase of the IVF cycle, twice weekly during the stimulatory phase, continues through the implantation procedure with a pre and/or post transfer treatment, as well as one week after the transfer. These additional treatments help to prepare the patient for optimum fertility and to achieve even better results. These added treatments prior to the transfer can better boost conception rates by as much as 70%.² Considering the national average of conception with the first IVF treatment alone is just 24%, and most couples will go through 3-5 rounds of IVF cycles, a 70% increased boost using acupuncture assistance is A LOT!
IUI patients are typically treated once a week throughout, with increased frequency as necessary.
Acupuncture works to improve success rates of these interventions by increasing blood flow to the ovaries during the stimulation phase of IVF or a medicated IUI cycle, improving the effectiveness of the drugs given. It also relaxes the uterus and addresses uterine spasm after embryo transfer or IUI. Acupuncture also reduces stress and offsets side effects from the fertility drugs.*
Once pregnant, continued care and treatments may be suggested to:
Services Offered
Decrease chance of miscarriage
Prevent & treat morning sickness
Provide support during the pregnancy to make it a comfortable time for the-mom-to-be
Naturally ‘turn’ breeched presentation
Induce labor naturally
Help speed up physical recovery after giving birth
Treat post-partum blues
Support post-partum with breast milk supply and flow
Fertility Consultation & Acupuncture Therapy
Diet Therapy support
Biweekly acupuncture therapy to support optimal uterine lining & follicular growth during the stimulation follicular phase
Pre & Post IUI or IVF Acupuncture Treatment
Weekly miscarriage prevention treatments typically to week 12-15 of pregnancy for high risk patients
Monthly Pregnancy Wellness & Balancing Acupuncture Therapy
Prenatal acupuncture can provide SAFE and gentle care during this most precious time of your life. These treatments can provide relief of so many discomforts experienced in pregnancy including: sciatica, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome (AKA prenatal hand numbness), nausea, depression, headaches, fatigue and breech position. Receiving acupuncture during pregnancy statistically reduces labor and delivery pains and allows for a smoother and healthier delivery.
An Initial Consultation with Kierstin Beaman, L.Ac is required to find out if you are a good candidate for Reproductive Therapy
If you are determined to be a candidate, we can perform your first procedure the same day.
Hi, I’m Dr. Kierstin Beaman from Minnesota Integrative Medicine & Acupuncture.
I want to get you pregnant.
I’m one of the few Acupuncture & Chinese Medical Doctor's in Minnesota who specializes in Advanced Natural Reproductive Medicine With many years of experience as a baby maker, I help women just like you enhance their fertility. This not only helps you get pregnant but helps ensure you carry the baby full term.
You’ll get full support from our staff completely dedicated to you and your goal. We focus on you!
I look forward to helping you achieve your fertility dreams.
-Dr. Kierstin
Results may vary
²Paulus, Wolfgang, MD, et al.,” Influence of Acupuncture on the pregnancy rate in patients who undergo assisted reproduction therapy.” American Society for Reproductive Medicine / Elsevier Science Inc (Fertility & Sterility, April 2002, Vol.77, No.4).